Waiting for the right team member
Recently I had the opportunity to meet a small team in Devon. The team consisted of a husband and wife and four team members (not including the hygienist).
After a long, tiring drive to the practice the day before I was excited, as always, to meet the dentists and staff of this practice.
The practice is in a small town in Devon. The countryside was picturesque.
The normal opening hours were 8-6. I arrived at 8.30 to commence training at 9 am. When I arrived I was received by a lovely lady on the front desk. I immediately recognised this lady as the owner.
She explained to me how she had told her team to come in at 9 that day instead of 8 am, as she would man the reception. I then witnessed her answering the phones and booking patients appointments.
This was nothing short of remarkable. How many times have you (the dentist) agreed for your team to start late while you cover the front desk? Team members: how many times have you witnessed this before? I had never seen this until now!
The team arrived fresh as daisies, with a contagious positive energy.
This is a classic example of give and take and should be recognised in every practice.
I always hear from teams that: “it’s all take, take , take” and have witnessed this myself in practices.
The principal was a truly unselfish lady. I was training the team on dental photography with their SLR camera that had stayed in its box since the day it was purchased (this is not uncommon). Whilst the training was being undertaken she would make teas and coffees. They took us all out for lunch in a local restaurant which was lovely. And throughout the training she checked the answer phone for messages.
The point to remember here is that “giving” to anybody, be it a spouse or team member, makes you feel good. I have no doubt in my mind that this lovely dentist felt very good about herself that day. She probably does not realise that she carried out such great act of leadership before the day began. She further motivated her team throughout the day by helping them with the duties they didn’t have time for due to the in-house training.
They are a small team, yet they work very together and all work very hard.
Great teams start at the top and this lady has a natural aptitude for this.
Try it yourself !