Tick tock
Time . One thing we could all do with more of?
Time really is something that we need to manage rather than find more of.
When running a business you need to focus on your priorities and schedule them into your diary, rather than react to urgent tasks that have deadlines looming.
The feeling of pro-activeness and organisation is one of the most positive feelings we can be personally responsible for. If we feel this way we can only achieve more.
If you are overwhelmed or reactive to tasks then take a look at your list, how many things can you train others to do for you? This is the perfect time of year to plan out 2015 and the development of your team.
If you would like to master how to manage your time as well as develop as a leader, develop the team and deal with the good the bad and the ugly, understand what finances you need to have a successful business, increase your production and sales and market your practice then you should join us on our 6 day advanced business management course.
Starting in January 2015 the 6 month course is taking place in London, Belfast, Leeds and Birmingham – give me a call to find out more! The fee for all 6 days is only £960 with vat!
01279 881851
Visit the website today