Offers, Discounts and the damage they can cause

There are two things that really get me going about practices that advertise offers and discounts and I have very personal reasons for this so here goes:


  1. Dentists with offers and discounts on examinations
  2. Offers and discounts on treatments572 g

Offers on examinations:

This completely under values you as a clinician. I can’t stand to see dentists doing this. I actually find it upsetting. Your clinical abilities are outstanding, your dedication to your eduction inspiring. The investments you have made to practice dentistry are substantial.

Why undervalue yourself in this way?

Offers on treatments:

“Low price is the refuge for the marketer who doesn’t have anything else to offer”. Seth Godin

I will also add that the person confirming the offers and discounts may be the marketer but they rarely have a grip on the profitability of the business or the profit margin for the individual treatments. If you have to hazard a guess I would say that any profit you were making is non existent after an offer / discount.

Lastly you do not want to become a Laura Ashley – people only shopping with you when you have an offer on?! You also want to make sure you are attracting the right people to your business. Those who are happy to pay your fee without a discount!



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