Management Monday – Nikki Berryman

‘Morning All! It’s a very quick update from me as this week is going to be really busy!
Today we have Jem Patel and his team from JSP Media at Pure to film footage for a new practice video for our website. I’m really looking forward to this, we’ve had great feedback about Jem and the videos he has produced for other practices always look great.
I am also in the process of re-writing the text for our new website which is due to be launched in about two weeks; and my key focus here will be making sure the dialogue is as patient-friendly as possible, no ‘dentist’ speak allowed!
On Thursday I will be flying to Belfast to give a Practice Management presentation to the lovely folk in NI along with Laura Horton, which I am really looking forward to.
Phew! Is it Friday yet??’
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