Management Monday – Nikki Berryman

‘Another fab week at Pure last week, culminating in Jeremy and I travelling to London on Friday to listen to Chris Barrow talk about Implant marketing, at a seminar hosted by Bio- Horizons at Portland Square.
It was a great session and lovely to meet such a fab group of people. I thought that we had a fairly good handle on marketing techniques at the practice, but as usual there is always something new to learn.
This got me to thinking about training and in particular, personal development for practice managers/business managers. I’m sure that you have robust training and development plans in place for your team, but what about yourself? When did you last assess your strengths and weaknesses? The business of dentistry is rapidly changing and developing and so we need to ensure that we are always one step ahead of the game.
Alongside more formal courses and training, ask yourself this; whose blogs are you reading? What newspapers are you reading? Ask for recommendations for books in leadership / development /management; are you networking outside of the practice? Do you have a mentor? If not, get one and ask him/her for honest feedback on your performance and where your strengths and weaknesses lie.
So, a challenge for today – start thinking about your own Personal Development Plan…’
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