Management Monday

Every Monday, Nikki Berryman – licensed Practice Management Consultant for Laura Horton Consulting – posts about her current plans and experiences as the Business Development Manager for Pure Dental Health in Cornwall –


‘On Friday I was chatting to a friend on the phone about the team here at Pure and talking about what makes a great team. So I thought I would start the week by publicly acknowledging my team of girls at Pure Dental.


Any practice owner and/or manager will understand the importance of having a great team; as they will no doubt have had experience of working in an environment where the team is unhappy or dysfunctional (haven’t we all?) and have realised how problematic this can be in a small business.


Let me tell you how I feel about the girls. They are smart, funny, loyal, hardworking, caring, they genuinely love our patients, they ‘get the job done’, they don’t bitch, they smile, they are motivated, they ask questions, they want to be involved. I am a manager who absolutely understands and ‘gets’ the fact that our fabulous practice wouldn’t be where it is without our ‘Team’.


Thank you girls!’


Nikki Berryman

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