‘Laura Loves…’

Welcome to the first in a new series of blog posts entitled ‘Laura Loves…’

These blog post will focus on an example of great customer service that I have experienced that week.

When phoning 12 potential venues to discuss the possibility of holding my future wedding there, I have to tell you that I was expecting to hear some very good telephone skills!
Let’s face it, we all know that having a wedding is a big investment – I almost had a heart attack at the first quote! However I liken this investment to having dental implants or a smile makeover – although the initial cost may be significant, the result is well worth it!
All of the places I called had friendly, happy people on the phone that congratulated me, took my name and introduced themselves for a second time.
One place assumed I was calling for a brochure (they obviously have new brochures they are keen to send out!) but another place blew me away – they have sold it to me already and the reason for this was the lady’s customer service on the phone.
She went much further than congratulating me, she asked me about the proposal and if it was recent and when the ideal date would be.
She was extremely friendly and was in control of the conversation – to be honest I knew she’d been trained and I let her get on with it! It makes you feel good as a customer when you know the person on the other end of the phone has been trained.
The lady then “sold” me the ‘dream wedding day’:
She went through my recommended ‘selling’ structure: build relationship, help to visualize the goal, BUILD VALUE – you don’t know how much I then wanted this wedding – then she gave me the fee.
She asked me “how does that sound?” and I laughed, which she wasn’t expecting me to! I then had to apologise and say; sorry, the fee is fine, I was laughing because ‘how does that sound?’ is my golden phrase for clarification!
I didn’t even care about the fee; I wanted this wedding! She then offered to arrange a private viewing – I accepted and scheduled. She said she would email the viewing confirmation and a brochure to me, and lastly asked me if I would like her to reserve the date I have in mind for my wedding – which we had already discussed at the beginning of the call – of course I said YES!
The email arrived within 5 minutes and I am extremely impressed with her telephone skills!
After the call I got straight on the phone to my mum to tell her about this amazing venue!
Laura Horton.Laura Horton

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