
I am sure we are about to see the famous Coca Cola advert on our TV screens anyway from now and yes we know the ‘holidays are coming’.

diaryThis blog post is about holidays in general not the upcoming Christmas festivities.

Mike and I spend 2 days a month delivering visionary days for practices (for more information click here )

One thing that has come apparent to us over the last couple of months is that many practice owners do not have their holiday/ course time for 2015 blocked out of their diaries, and they do not have holiday time from their assciotes and clinical team either.

There are many issues with this (including burn out) but a big one is patient care. It really is not fair for the patients to have their appointments moved because no-one has organised their holidays.

If this applies to you then you must get the dates from everyone now!

Next up introduce a system for 2015 that by June 2015 you must have everyones dates for courses and holidays for 2016. It is much easier to open a day than to close one.


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