Getting the basics right!
While I am big fan of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People especially the habit begin with the end in mind, it is of uttermost importance that while we do this we must take a look at what you have to work with and build on.
I am lucky enough to be working with practices right now, that I really cannot wait to get my hands into to change their business for the good of the patients and the team.
What I find however, when I observe the practice in full flow is that often the basics are not there to build on in the first place.
I posted a blog last week about change and why team members do not like it, and this is another reason why a team member may of had a negative experience in the past with a change to the businesses structure, if the basics weren’t right then there was nothing for them to build onto!
If you would like to learn about your practice do not hesitate to contact me and ask about my practice assessment day which looks at every aspect of your practice so you know exactly where you are.
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