A great weekend with plenty of tweets
Friday and Saturday were spent with some wonderful people (Jan 22/23)
Hosted by Tony and Cally Gedge – The Marketing Pirates of Dentistry, annual Treasure Map event was held in London.
Speakers including Tony and myself were Dr James Russell, Dr Tif Qureshi, Dr Jon Swarbrigg, Guy Levine, Dr Karen Sutton, and Barbara Naisby.
We all had a fantastic time over the two days.
What we all observed was how everyone was so friendly and interactive with each other. This is due to the amount of social networking on Twitter. So many of us were meeting face to face for the first time yet felt like we had known each other a lifetime.
If you would like to see what we were talking about then please click the link below. (I have to admit I forgot to do a #mpod before my tweets for most of Friday!!)
If you are not twitter as yet then join today!! http://twitter.com