Practice Management

We spend time with many practice owners and their managers. As we are from the grass roots of practice management we fully appreciate the difficulties involved in the running of a successful practice.

This practical experience of running a dental practice in the long term gives us a unique perspective and the ability to help others achieve the success they want.

Do you have this covered?

  • Business Development and Strategy
  • Effective HR
  • Financial Management

Our consultants help principals and their management teams to build successful, profitable dental practices.

We train and advise dentists & managers in all aspects of their role.


  • Managing your team effectively and successfully
  • Leadership and Communication
  • Increasing Practice Productivity
  • Measuring the business’s success
  • Branding & Marketing

Business Development, Vision & Strategy

Dentists spend around 17% of their week on non-clinical dentistry – we can develop your team to reduce this by 90%. We train practice managers to run the business so the practice owners have less to worry about and can spend more time with their families – and this we do with a passion that will radiate through to your team! To develop your business we can help you to:

  • Develop a strong empowering vision
  • Implement finance systems, targets, budgets and key performance indicators, stock management
  • Help the business owner or practice manager to become an effective leader and have clear roles and responsibilities to ensure they are focused and productive in all areas of the business. A few examples are listed below

Effective HR

Appraisals are essential if you wish your team to grow, develop and support your business’s vision. This is the ideal opportunity to ‘share’ on a one to one basis. Yet 43% of team members say they have yearly appraisals, 16% haven’t had one in over a year, 6% in over 2 years and a staggering 17% had never had one!

Appraisals should occur every 3 months. Only 7% of team members say they have an appraisal every 3 months! The conversation should be structured and should allow for both the employer and employee to discuss the previous three months and the goals for the next quarter.

64% of dentists have 1-2 negative team members working for them! This is an astonishing number. We often hear dentists ignore the situation and people causing problems for fear of being sued – burying your head in the sand is not the answer!

We find most practices have no idea what to say, how to hold appraisals and how to have a fair conversation with their team members. We can provide you with system procedures and we can hold appraisals with you when starting out to help you gain confidence.

Poor performance: We can train team leaders, management and owners to deal with poor performing team members. Not only knowing where to start but how to hold conversations and what to document and when.

Financial Management

51% of the team have no idea how much the practice needs to take each month just to break even, and 87% of dentists would like to earn more, with 49% stating they are not happy with their income at all.

Maybe you are setting up a practice and unsure where to start or a practice owner flummoxed with formulae?

Financial management is the key to your success.

We love spreadsheets and can help you implement strong financial systems which will transform your business and allow you to focus on your profits.
We will teach you how to financially manage your budget, how to measure KPIs and analyse your overheads using simple, successful methods.

Contact us for expert advice on your practice's needs.