2011 Statistics – How did I do?

A quick round up of the last year in numbers!
• Courses I presented this year –  52 in-practice programmes
•  Conferences I was invited to speak at in 2011 – 4

• Workshops I delivered – 10 workshops:
TCO x1
Photography x5
3 special events in NI for Quality Plan
BDA event
• How many people I trained – Including workshops I have trained around 670 people this year!
• Practices I have helped to implement the role of TCO – 33

• Miles travelled in 2011 –  flights = 12, miles = around 20k

• Mystery shopper calls made –63

How many nurses I inspired to improve their careers – who knows… I hope at least 250. I would love to hear from any that I have!
I’m looking forward to an even bigger and better year in 2012!

Laura Horton

Providing dentists and their dental team with training programmes to increase results with proven successful methods.

Photography training, Treatment Coordinator Training and wow factor examinations. Visit the website today to see how we can help

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